**Work on the computer after your battery wears down
**Do the laundry
**Look for boxes for wrapping gifts in the very black storage room(the flashlight just wasn't working well for me)
**Make yourself something warm to drink when you start to get cold
**Order more pictures to put in your Christmas Letter
**Carry the chordless phone around in case someone phones(since it wouldn't ring anyway!)
**Turn the lights on in dark rooms( I tried at least three times....oh for a brain!)
This morning I was all set for a productive day of work at the computer while watching Aidan play beside me. But alas the power went out just before he was supposed to come. So sad......I called Megs not to bring him since he would undoubtedly get cold without the furnace working and spent the next 4 hours trying to find things that I could do in when the power was out.
Fortunately it did come back on this afternoon and I was able to thaw out and get some work done on the computer along with the laundry. Missed out on my day with Aidan though which was disappointing. Something to look forward to next week!
Sounds like we had a similar morning! I was so surprised to find out just how dark the storage room is when there is no light! I went back for a tiny flashlight and found my wrapping paper. I wanted to call people in regards to a social while wrapping gifts, but couldn't use the phone. Well, my cell phone came out and the numbers were locked. Who would have guessed that could happen and how did I do that? =) At least the gifts are wrapped!
Wow, that's a long time without power! One of our volunteers spoke at the German Bible Hour this afternoon and mentioned exactly this very thing! What would happen to all of us if our electricity went out? He spoke about the tribulations that are still to come. Electricity is one of the things we take for granted and don't give a second thought.
I'm glad you're up and running again!
I had to chuckle at you attempting to turn on lights in dark rooms and three times yet. Too funny! And I agree, four hours is quite a long time to have that out. We are going into the deep freeze here on the weekend again by the sounds of it so I hope ours doesn't go out.
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