We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

More Christmas Memories!

I thought that I would share a few more of our Christmas pictures to give you an idea of what it was like while we were there. We really were in a winter wonderland which was so beautiful. Here is my new favorite picture of Dave and I..thanks for taking it on our walk Heather!
The river valley was so beautiful and they did a good job of keeping the paths cleared for the most part.

Dave enjoyed taking these pictures as we walked.
Heather and I enjoying the 'warm''s all relative I guess!
Tiks even posed with us on this next picture.

I thought I would post a few of the pictures that I took as we drove up on Christmas Day. It really was a great trip with mostly clear skies once we got out of Abbotsford.
I was excited to have captured this tunnel just before we got to it.
Who can resist a perfect 'barn' picture?
Getting closer .... we are almost there!

Definitely a trip to remember!Posted by Picasa


The W's said...

Great pictures - both in this post and the last. Glad you were able to spend Christmas with Matt and Heather. I too like the pic of you and Mr.Beck. You both look great!!

Danielle said...

I just love the cariboo, it looks so different than the lower mainland! so much peace and tranquillity! One day I'll go back.. one day.

~linda~ said...

beautiful pictures, I actually stole one fro my background the one of the