We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

A Weekend with a Little Sweetie and His Parents

Many times in the last two weeks I have stopped to think of Eileen's family as they have walked this valley of the shadow of death and realized again how very thankful I am that I have today with my family, with Dave and the kids and the grands.....with that never far from my mind, we totally enjoyed spending the Easter weekend with Heather, Matt and Kai!
Watching how much Matt and Heather enjoy their little man is such a blessing.
He's a character and likes to smile by scrunching up his eyes and face which of course makes everyone around him laugh.
Sunday afternoon we enjoyed a beautiful walk around the lake.
Kai loves animals and is always excited when either their cat or Tiks is close by.
A relaxing weekend spent enjoying family and our little sweetie....definitely what the doctor ordered!
So much fun was had....memories that will make us smile for weeks to come!
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Darin and Jody said...

Thanks for the pictures, I am jealous of the time you had with them. I cannot believe how big he is getting and how much personality he conveys even in pictures! It is crazy how in some of the pictures he looks like a little chubbier version of Lexi.

Anneliese said...

Looks like so much fun! Love that last picture especially, the way he's looking at the camera ... are you getting this?

Courtney and Jon said...

What great photos and memories you have made this Easter weekend.
I'm thankful you were home today but sad I had just picked up the clothes, thinking you might be away for a couple days and not wanting to leave them on your door step :o). My friend passed on that Heather is coming out, is that right? Maybe I can pop by for a visit or just to drop off the clothes.

Beck's Bulletin said...

Yes Courtney she will be down next week so do give a call and come by with Linden.

W.C.Camp said...

Last picture is GREAT. Get that one blown up and put it on your desk. It will make you smile everyday! Nice Pix. W.C.C.

Lindsay said...

I love how he's looking at his Dad in the first picture. I think the love affair is mutual :)