We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My Garden

Welcome to my doesn't win awards, but I am daily thankful for each flower....
 The orange roses are so beautiful....
and I love the fact that I can enjoy them both outside and from my living room window.
 You see, part of choosing joy is daily giving thanks and enjoying the simple things in life... this beautiful geranium in the planter by the front door....
 ...or the yellow roses which got battered by the terrible wind and rain storm we had last weekend.
 The white lilies love their new home in the front flower bed.....
 .....on the other side of the white hydrangea that promises to open up soon...
 ....from the John F. Kennedy white rose(I wish I had taken these pictures before the storm)
 I do think this is my personal favourite of all the roses though...
 ...I just couldn't pick which one picture I liked best....'s just too perfect in spite of the storm.
 Dave planted these because he wanted more color...
 ....they love it there beside the red lilies...
 .....the red lilies are also loving their new home this year after last season's rough start...

The spirea is a buzz these days.......

Oh, yes, and one more picture of my favorite rose...
I've decided that I really like red and white flowers together in my hanging basket....
but will I remember that next year?
Probably not...but that's ok....
I like these pink and purple flowers together too.

I love my garden....thank you Lord for each flower that greets me every morning when I open up the living room blinds,
or when I drive into the driveway after being away,
they remind me of my wonderful husband who lovingly waters and feeds them all...
Choosing joy today in each one.


Anneliese said...

I've always admired your roses and now I admire your white lilies too! Your new header is pretty!

Karin said...

I simply love flowers!!!! Thanks for sharing those lovely photos! That red & white combo is so Canadian! Those red lilies are so amazing!

On This Rock said...

Thank you for the garden tour. Beautiful!

Katy Eagles said...

Lovely post, Madeline! Flowers (and gardening in general) can be very therapeutic. I have watched my mother diligently and patiently water her orchids every morning; her smile and joy when she sees a single bud bloom is priceless. We try to do the landscape design ourselves, as it can be really fun. But, it also helps to fish for advice from professionals.