We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Looking Back

We spent the last week visiting our Northern Sweethearts and enjoying a taste of winter. Yesterday dawned a beautiful sunny day, perfect for our drive home. As we drove I couldn't help but reflect back on 2012 and all that it held. We will definitely remember it as a year of incredible change.
The year started differently than we had planned. We had hoped to finally finish renovating the house we had lived in for 23 years by completing the basement, but instead because we had to buy a new vehicle just before Christmas 2011 those plans were put on hold. Thinking about what we needed to do was overwhelming, like miles and miles of ice and snow.
We weren't sure what the year would hold as we bantered back and forth about what to do. We knew that we had to make a decision and after being 'forced' to buy a new vehicle when the transmission went on our old Accord, we didn't want to face the same scenario with our house, if either or both of us were suddenly faced with the inability to do the stairs.
And so we took a step of faith, headed into the fog and put an offer on a townhouse while putting our house up for sale as is.
We couldn't see around the corner and had no idea what would happen.
At times it felt like we couldn't see the forest for the trees and had no idea what was ahead.
There were dark times, tunnels with no exit in sight....
But then we had an offer and the house looked like it was sold...we could see the light....
...but then we found out we had to replace the furnace!!! Baby it was cold inside for a few days there!
November 15th came and we moved into our new home...we could hardly believe it! We actually did it! 
As we drove into the valley and headed for home yesterday we were both overwhelmed again with God's amazing faithfulness! 2012 was a year of change, a year of trusting God through the unknown, believing that He was going to work it all out even when we couldn't see the road ahead, and in the end, being blessed beyond measure by His provision!!

We have no idea what 2013 holds...but we know that God does! And so we will trust Him and praise Him as we do!

1 comment:

Bobbie said...

I'm so happy everything worked out with the house. Now the new memories begin!
Thank the Lord we know who holds tomorrow!
Happy 2013 to you, Doris and Dave!